In the event that you have effectively tried the necessities of the application and dreams through to the iPhone application advancement organization in India (or an outsourced accomplice in the Indian subcontinent may be) ask the master to hold his steeds!
It requires you to be a ‘paid’ member of the ‘Apple Developer Program’, in order to be able to distribute apps on the Apple App Store. Whether or not you undertake an iPhone application development in USA, by default you – as a publisher/developer of an app - are required to show your agreement to the contracts essayed under paid app agreement/T&C. And also need to furnish details around your/your organization’s tax/bank profile following iTunes Connect. It’s advisable to begin with the process of filling out forms and agreeing to mandatory clauses, even before you have begun with the app development endeavor.
So, if you have already essayed the requirements of the app and visions through to the iPhone application development company in India (or an outsourced partner in the Indian subcontinent may be) ask the expert to hold his horses!
It generally takes many a week’s time for Apple to render you the approval on the app proposal you have presented. If you are business and want to hold a company account on Apple App store, you must have a D-U-N-S number – which also takes more than a month’s time to acquire!
Ready, steady, go!
Once you are done with undertaking the above steps – it’s time to get over to your app expert (if you, yourself are not the one who is developing the app). The specialist, offering you the iPhone application development solution, must intently follow the Apple publishing guidelines – in addition to keeping in mind the fact that UI factor now plays one of the most prominent roles in regulating the eventual success of the app.
After the technicalities are duly attended, it’s time for you to read on to the following points, segmented one after another in terms of the chronology of the time they are to be attended.
- Add A New App
- Get Set to Upload and further distribution
- Submitting the app to app store
- Ensuring adherence to the additional (but, important) references and publishing guidelines
- Adding the app to iTunes
You are not Over Yet!
After your app have been tested and handed over to you by the iPhone phone development services company, and before you set on to move any further, you must have following essential items ready.
- A name the best describes your app – Set to appear on the App Store all of up to 255 bytes, your app’s name has to be unique (and easy to remember, of course).
- SKU number – again an unique identity; may be made of letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, or even underscores
- Bundle ID - the ID that you have used to set up your app's Info.plist file
- A URL – Refer to the web page that’s related your app.
- Description – Of up to 4000 characters, it must lucidly explain what you app is
- An App Icon - Of dimension 1024 x 1024 in JPG, TIFF, or PNG formats, the icon gets displayed in iTunes as well as on the App Store. Also you should add a screenshot for devices on which your app would run.
In addition to the above, you are also required to choose your pricing and release date
Do remember to furnish a name an email add and a contact/phone number in case Apple app reviewers want to contact you regarding more details around your app.
Last but not the least; it’s advisable to have an expert iPhone app developer by the side to guide you across the challenges to be faced in the development and distribution of apps across the Apple App store.
The author of the above post is a software developer who dabbles in iPhone apps designing and enjoys keeping her updated with the latest in iPhone application development. With a penchant for writing, she can be often found sharing a first-hand account of the various components of web platforms,and help people make informed decisions.
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