Friday 27 February 2015

Glass Reactor and Chemical Reactions

By Bella

For years, chemical industry close to our everyday life, a lot of necessities of life are produced by this industry. In this article, I am going to talk about a very important device used in chemical industry - glass reactor which is a type of chemical reactor.

Chemical reactor is vessel with diverse sizes, shapes, and modes and conditions of operation that is designed to contain chemical reactions. It is can deal with multiple aspects of chemical engineering and maximize net pressure value for the given reaction, for example: laboratory chemical reactor is used to obtain reaction characteristics and is best designed to achiever well-defined conditions of concentrations and temperature so that a reaction model can be developed. Find more at: Chemical reactor can be divided into different types, for example: continuous stirred-tank reactor, plug flow reactor, semi-batch reactor, catalytic reactor, and so on.

Maybe some people have known that a chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substance to another; and it is usually characterized by a chemical change. In chemical experiments, it is very important to tell the difference between the chemical change and physical change; in next paragraph, here I will list some examples for your reference: a physical change like a stage change or dissolving does not create a new substance but a change, the atoms and molecules produced by the reaction are called products in a chemical reaction, only the atoms present in the reactants can end up in the products in a chemical reaction and no new atoms are created and destroyed, and so on.

There are many different types of chemical reactions and chemists have classified the many different reactions into general categories, including: synthesis reaction, single-replacement reaction, double-replacement reaction, decomposition reaction, and combustion reaction. Next, let us talk about these reactions detailedly.

Also known as combination reaction, a synthesis reaction is when two or more simple compounds combine to form a more complicated one, for example: the combination of iron and sulfur to form iron sulfide; this reaction is many substances important to daily life are obtained. In daily life, of course, you can find more example of synthesis reaction such as the formation of potassium chloride from potassium and chlorine gas.

A decomposition reaction, also called analysis reaction, is one of the most common types of chemical reactions; a compound in which is broken into smaller chemical species, here are two examples: the electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas, the decomposition of potassium chloride into potassium and chlorine gas. General speaking, there are three types of decomposition reactions, including: catalytic, electrolytic and thermal.
In conclusion, different types of chemical reactions always close to chemical reactors.

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